So much to be thankful for!
As we close in on the Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to send my best wishes to all of you. 2020 has been a year full of challenges and difficulties, but even with a pandemic and the incredible stress of what has been a particularly contentious election season, there have, fortunately, been silver linings.
At the beginning of this season, our gallery joined forces with over 30 other galleries in Provincetown. Initially, we met to simply discuss how we could provide a safe space for people to see and appreciate the art and artists we represent. But, a sort of “think tank” atmosphere blossomed in those meetings and, through the great ideas of the gallery owners, we brought a website to fruition so visitors could “stroll” through the galleries virtually every Friday. We’ve also collaborated to create The Hope Project, a fun auction of hope-themed artwork that our gallery owners and curators thought would be especially meaningful this year. Never satisfied, we’re working as a team to deliver even more in the year ahead. On a personal level, it has been such a joy to get to know so many gallery owners. I feel fortunate indeed! Click here to visit the “Stroll” website (or click the link below).
Early in the lockdown, I wasn’t sure how (or if) we would be able to have openings for new shows. As a result, I started working with the 20-plus artists I showcase to provide you with video “artist statements” and even insights into specific works of art. As many of you may know, I used to edit and create educational videos. On a personal level, it has been a joy to dust off my video editing skills and work on these projects. I hope you have also enjoyed the videos. And, if you haven’t had a chance to see them, click here so see the gallery’s YouTube page! They are also linked artist by artist, of course, right here on our website.
Finally, I am so appreciative of all of you, of our community and of the Town of Provincetown, all of whom have been able to support each other through this ongoing pandemic. I feel incredibly grateful as I walk down the street and see everyone wearing masks, staying positive despite the challenges, and supporting each other. It is truly something to be thankful for.
So, with all of that in mind, Frank and I, and all of the artists represented by Stewart Clifford Gallery want to thank you for a wonderful year and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.